בית ספרד
Napoli Vomero Notte-29-settembre 2012
Jue Oct 11 2012 (25 Tishrei, 5773)
The Festival Napoli Vomero Notte on september 29th 2012 has hosted an interesting combination of Arts' Event with a concert performed by the Sefarad Trioand Paintings Exibition of two major artists, Sara Hazan and Walther Linis. "To give a new connotation to a concert presentation in order to bring a new message where ARTS comes from the hands" Sara Hazan. Italy September
The Sefarad Trio with Angela Yael Amato, violin, Gennaro Vanacore, flute and Roberta Paturzo, guitar, has been active in recent performances of Sefardi and Jewish Music in Italy, particularly in the Old Jewish Quarter in Napoli, where a flourished Jewish Community lived up to Inquisition time. The Trio performed the Jewish Music both in June-Festa della Musica e Musequality World Busk and in September-Napoli Vomero Notte, bringing to the audience alongside a musical research also the beautiful melodies of the Ladino Music, a lost tradition which indeed deserves to come to light. A connection was made within Italian and South American Composers such as Mauro Giuliani and Astor Piazzolla, to remember that the Hispanic culture and music has had great influence also on Italian and South American countries. A message of solidarity was launched with the new Musequality Project for schools which raises funds and donations to help children of developing countries to further their musical studies and in support of the Italian Bene' Anusim to return to their original roots.
Concerto per Sukkot 2012
Il Caos
Painting by Sara Hazan and Walther Linis
Musica dalla Spagna, Turchia, Marocco, Tunisia
La Rosa Enflorece, Adyo Kerida
Musica dalla Germania, Europa Orientale Polonia, Ungheria
Russia, Ucraina
Sun Rise - Sun Set, Hora, Hava Naghila
Filippo Gragnani
( Livorno il 3 Settembre 1768 )
Chitarrista compositore nato a da una famiglia di musicisti e liutai
Siciliana Dal trio op. 13 per flauto violino e chitarra
Mauro Giuliani
( Bisceglie il 27 Luglio 1781 – 1829)
Chitarrista, Compositore e violoncellista Italiano
Fu tra i primi chitarristi e compositori per chitarra
Lied op. 89,Abschied per voce e chitarra
Antonio Paliotti
Valdo's Rag, Valzer e Tango Argentino
Scott Joplin
The Entertainer
Astor Piazzolla
(1921- 1992) Musicista Argentino
ritenuto uno dei migliori virtuosi di bandeoneon.
בית ספרד